Something from…. Etna Sunset Jeep Tour
One of our highlights “Etna Sunset jeep Tour”
Tour suitable for everyone , You will spend the afternoon on Europe’s highest active volcano, an altitude of 2,000 metres, . You will walk along paths not spoilt by mass tourism and appreciate the local flora and fauna. The tour will highlight different aspects of the volcano, such as its nature and resources, its sensational landscapes and its impressive lava flows that have destroyed roads and buildings. On Etna, in fact, there are more than 300 craters on its sides that are now extinct. You will arrive at a belvedere, where you will admire the panorama of the Valle del Bove, the most important valley on the east side of the volcano. The excursion is carried out exclusively on board our 4X4 jeeps.

Something from…… “Tour de food the Sicilian aperitif”.
From this year we have decided to expand our offer with a new tour, all to be enjoyed.
The culinary tour will take you to the beautiful city of Acireale, you will stop at a famous pastry shop and discover the true culture and the most authentic and tasty flavours of the Sicilian tradition. What are you waiting for!!!
10th paroxysm
Today, Etna is back on show.
Activity on Etna intensifies.
On Etna, a weak Strombolian activity is underway at the Southeast Crater, with weak ash emission. A situation similar to that which gave rise to the last six eruptions.
What it’s like to breathe underwater….
The best way to understand what diving is and what it feels like to be underwater…
Fifth paroxysm in seven days
Etna erupted again last night, the fifth eruption in a week. It generated lava jets up to a thousand metres high above the South-East crater. The activity produced an eruptive column that rose several kilometres above the top of the mountain. At the same time, two small lava flows formed, one in the direction of the desert Bove Valley and the other in a south-westerly direction.
Etna: South-East Crater: new paroxysmal activity
A new paroxysmal activity occurred yesterday morning on Etna. In this case too, it affected the South East Crater, where high lava fountains appeared. The new phenomenon was preceded by a lava overflow, with the flow then heading towards the deserted Valle del Bove.
The eruptive cloud produced by the explosive activity then dispersed in an east-southeast direction causing ash fallout.